Thursday 24 January 2013

What Eli wore- Black White and Bespoke

More lovely presents from my creative friends left to right: a patchwork pram belt by Kate Beckett- Eli loves looking at this, and practicing his eye focussing! Babies are really drawn to black and white and high contrasts, I don't know why we don't see more black and white kids toys and clothes. I might do a range! 
Eli is wearing a very special Baby grow from Grace du Prez Grace normally makes cutting edge embroidered jewellery with her fantastic embroidery machine, but I think this is a great idea that lots of mums would love- so do get in touch with her if you want your own bespoke baby grow! 
Little comfy stripy trousers from baby gap- (Thanks Kate again!)
and the most gorgeous tiny little cord shows with green laces- H&M (thanks Erin!) 
The little arm shaped pillow- (sometimes Eli still thinks he has my arm around him) was part of an activity blanket I got from and the mushroom rattle from love it!!

 more black and white toys- this one winds round the handles of your pram or carrier and has a mirror and lots of jangly things to keep Eli's eyes fixed on it. (mamas and papas)
background little mountain peak blanket- (an old one of mine)

first pair of shoes! I'll have to keep these and show him them when he's a grown up!


  1. he's soooo cute and I love the mixture of black & white polka dots and stripes ♥

  2. He's such a patient model, and looks so content. Every item he shows off is beautiful too.

  3. oh my goodness i LOVE the corduroy shoes, so so sweet!

  4. Crikey, congratulations! Only seems like a couple of weeks ago that I read you were expecting. He's an absolute peach.

    Thanks for following my blog by the way, what a lovely start to the week :)

  5. Hi Donna - Top tip from my health visitor here in DK: for tummy time (every day)put Eli on the pillow, resting his chest where his neck is in the pic - arms over the edge. This way he gets better support and is already lifted up a little making him more interested in lying on his tummy growing stronger and avoiding the dreaded flat head :)... Lovely Stuff here on your blog and Eli is super cute

  6. such a lovely baby! and these little shoes, how cute they are!

    greetings :) Caroline
    bespoke furniture Edinburgh
