Friday 18 April 2014

Easter egg craft for all ages-making activity by Olivia

We starting off with a big withe sheet of thin cardboard (if its too thick it will be difficult for you to cut later on in the process).
On one side of the cardboard we have drawn eggs in different sizes.
To draw the eggs make some egg-templates to draw around. 
If small children are going to do this activity its best to prepare the drawing of the eggs and templates in advance. The little ones patience, with this part of the project, might run out other wise...
Now start to decorate! 
Depending on the age of the people participating you can shift the decorating techniques. For a 4 year old and a 1.5 year old I chose paint, coloured pens and stickers. How ever the little ones draw on the big piece of cardboard It will turn out great when you are cutting out the eggs later on! 
When one side of the cardboard is done and dry turn it over and start again. But be aware that on this side no eggs are drawn so you can not decorate any specific egg - where your decorating ends up will be a fun surprise. For our 1.5 year old just painting again was the way to do it. The 4year old covered the whole new surface with negative spaces from left over pages of dinosaur stickers. If  you have plenty of time the kids can do this over several days. 

 When all this is done. Cut out the eggs. To be able to hang the eggs, make holes by punching or using a needle in the top bit of the egg. Feed a short thread through the hole and make a knot. Now you have a hanger for the egg. 

Now go out to your garden or nearest park and pick a bunch of loose twigs from 
the ground. At home stick them in a vas or pot. 
Now it's finally time to hang your decorated eggs in the Easter twigs!
Our 4 year old was very exited - "it's just like decorating the Christmas tree!"
(If you have the chance to get live twigs you can put water in your vas/pot and see the tiny new leaves emerge!)

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