Friday, 28 February 2014

Negative space - Kids activity by Olivia

Like most children my 3 year old loves stickers

To make our sheets of stickers last longer we use the negative spaces to create new stickers.

Cut up in any shape
Peel off and stick onto paper
It's fun to get your child to use their imagination and create a new image.
We have created a scene - a large tree with green leaves, snakes and big waves.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Follow the light- non messy making project for kids.

Cardboard box house with lights inside!
A super easy but effective thing to make ......
Eli is just over 1 now and LOVES lights and shadows , so once you have made this, switch off the main light in the room do the windows and doors really glow!
 You can make it any size- especially to fit any little toys you might have.

 This is is made from a pampers box turned inside out. you can make it as decorative or as simple as you want, but the more little windows ot holes you make in the box the better the light show!

Step 1: Find a box- can be a show box or a huge grocery box. if it has a lot of pattern, cut down the join and rejoin in inside out so you have a plan clean surface on the outside.

Step 2: Get a sharp craft knife- I wouldn't recommend cutting with a knife while your little one is around, and it's nice to surprise them once you have done this bit.  cut out little squares for window - you can mark out with pencil first.

Step 3: cut the door- remembering only to cut 3 sides leaving one edge as the hinge- you might want to score this lightly with your knife so it folds in the right place.

Step 4. get some Christmas tree lights and put them in the box... it's that easy!  
don't leave this unattended when switched on.

Tip: I leave the top open as Eli wants to take the lights in and out.

back to blog ... and instagram (it's easier!)

OK it's been a while! Sorry guys.... I guess I didn't quite realise how much my life would change after having a baby ! sounds ridiculous as everyone tries to warn you, but until it happens to you you don't believe them!! So juggling work and baby was tough, and now Eli is a WHOLE YEAR old, I finally feel a little more adjusted to it!

So I'm ready to do a few more blog posts, focussing on creative things to do with your baby/child.  I really don't want to see Eli glued to the TV or an iPad (every now and again is OK) but I am trying to encourage him to play and create and get messy.

At the moment he is very keen on getting messy, and not so keen on playing with his toys, but as with everything I'm sure that will change.  So here goes... I'm hoping to inspire you with easy and fun projects, some messy and some not!

in the mean time and if I don't manage the blogging part, please follow me on instagram @DonnaWilsonltd or Facebook or twitter and learn about work projects through my other blog : Leaves and twigs